Corporate Pilates

Are you doing enough to promote the health and wellbeing of your employees?

Musculoskeletal problems are the second biggest cause of employee sickness in the UK1, responsible for over 30 million lost days of work per year, according to the Office for National Statistics' Labour Force Survey.

Our bodies weren't build to spend all day sitting at a desk, yet for so many of us, that's what working life looks like - not to mention the commute at each end of the day. Pilates strengthens the core, lengthens the spine, and improves posture, while increasing flexibility - characteristics which have been shown to have a positive effect on back pain2 and reduce incidence of injury.

Group of people sitting in a meeting room
Illustration of back pain

Pilates is a very accessible form of exercise, which almost everyone can take part in. People who regularly participate in Pilates love the feeling of self-awareness it gives them, as well as the pleasure of an activity which is actively improving their body.

Pilates is well known as a means of improving physical health - but its creator, Joseph Pilates, strongly believed that the health of mind and body were deeply linked. And a recent study3 has found that Pilates reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety, and leaves participants less fatigued and feeling more energetic.

With the latest CIPD Health and Well-Being at Work study4 reporting that fewer than a quarter of employers offer all of their staff any form of on-site exercise or relaxation classes, offering corporate Pilates sessions with Core 34 Pilates is an excellent way to differentiate your business from the other employers competing for the talent you need. And it's a "perk" that could even pay for itself in reduced employee sickness and better morale!

Employee exercising
Pilates equipment

We bring all the equipment needed to your offices to deliver Pilates classes in Hampshire, Surrey and Berkshire. You just need to provide the room and the employees!

Our classes are for up to 10 people (subject to sufficient space) and are booked in minimum 6 week blocks, to give everyone time to start to feel the benefit. Each class is tailored to the experience and ability of the participants, and takes into account any medical conditions they may have.

As well as our guided classes, we also teach participants simple Pilates exercises they can do every day at their desks.

Pilates leads the way to a more balanced lifestyle, better health and fitness, and lowered stress levels.

Give us a call on 01252 755125 or drop us a line and find out how Core 34 Pilates can give you a happier healthier team!
FAQ for Employees
FAQ for Employers
Group of happy employees sitting on exercise balls

1 Office for National Statistics: Sickness absence in the UK labour market: 2016

2 Effects of pilates on patients with chronic non-specific low back pain: a systematic review.

3 The effects of pilates on mental health outcomes: A meta-analysis of controlled trials; K.M.Fleming, M.P.Herring; Complementary Therapies in Medicine, April 2018

4 CIPD: Health and Wellbeing at Work, May 2018

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