Corporate Pilates Employee FAQ
Is Pilates suitable for me?
Pilates is suitable for most people - you don't need to be super fit to join in, and we always tailor the exercises to suit you. If you have any concerns about a pre-existing medical condition, please feel free to get in touch with us to discuss it before the class.
What should I wear?
Any clothing which is comfortable and allows you to move freely is suitable. It's advisable to layer up - although Pilates isn't really about aerobic exercise, you might be surprised how warm you get!
Most people perform Pilates barefoot, but if you'd prefer to wear socks, that's OK too. If you have non-slip socks, so much the better.
What are the benefits of Pilates?
Pilates can improve your posture and core strength - meaning you're less likely to injure yourself performing day to day activities. It's also surprisingly relaxing! There is a strong focus on slow, considered movement which gives you a better sense of mind-body awareness, which leads to calm throughout the day.
Do I need previous experience of Pilates to attend a Core 34 Corporate Pilates class?
No! We tailor the class to the ability of the participants. Pilates includes many progressions of each exercise, so you can work at the right level for you, even while your colleagues work at different levels around you.
Do I need to bring my own mat?
No, we'll provide all the equipment you need. But if you've got a favourite mat you're really attached to, feel free to bring it along!
Note that Pilates mats tend to be thicker than yoga mats, so if you have a yoga mat you may prefer to use one of ours.
How long will it take for me to feel the benefit?
You'll be surprised how quickly you feel less stiff, more flexible, and in better shape generally! As with anything, the more you do it, the greater the benefits.
Will I get hot and sweaty?
Pilates isn't aerobic exercise, so you won't be working up a sweat. That said, you will be working your muscles hard, so layer up so you can keep yourself at a comfortable temperature as you warm up through the class.
Will I enjoy it?
The evidence of everyone who's done Pilates with us so far says you will!
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