1-2-1 Pilates Classes

Private Pilates classes in Fleet, Farnham and Farnborough

Our 1-2-1 Pilates classes give you the ultimate bespoke experience, and are great if you want to learn the principles of Pilates before joining a class, or if you have a specific injury that you are concerned about. I can work with you so that we can modify the exercises to suit your level or needs so you feel happy and confident before you join a class.

These classes are particularly good if you require rehabilitation from an injury, would like extra attention during pregnancy or postnatal recovery or would prefer not to be in a group class environment.

Alternatively, why not make it a "2-2-1" class and bring a friend with you?

1-2-1 classes allow posture and movement to be individually corrected
Pilates is also suitable for pregnant women
Instructor correcting technique

Interested? Get in touch and find out how we can help you

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