Introducing Pilates

The Pilates method of exercise was developed by Joseph Pilates over a number of years – initially to improve his own poor health, and subsequently to rehabilitate circus acrobats and dancers. Few of us are ballet dancers or tightrope walkers, but modern office life places our bodies under incredible strain – and we simply haven’t evolved to deal with these stresses and strains. Of course, if you do have an active job, that doesn’t make your body immune to injury either.

Joseph Pilates described his method as being one which “restores physical fitness”. Although there is a standard palette of exercises in the method, they are applied and customised to meet the needs of each participant. He was particularly clear that it “is not a fatiguing system of dull, boring, abhorred exercises repeated daily ‘ad-nauseum’” - but rather a way of achieving “complete coordination of body, mind and spirit.”

A move called criss-cross

Pilates is a structured and disciplined form of exercise – it’s not an aggressive workout! It’s always tailored to the individual. And because it is tailored and adaptable, it is challenging for everyone - exercises can be set and adapted to be at the right level for everyone.

Pilates is also good for relaxation

Pilates has so many benefits! It improves posture, increases joint mobility, lengthens and tones muscles and improves core strength. It also helps you relax and de-stress, and improve your mind-body awareness. The Pilates method is suitable for almost everyone – whether you’re looking to improve your sporting performance and get better muscle tone, or if you’re looking for rehabilitation after an injury. If you would like to be able to move more efficiently and free of pain and stiffness, you should give Pilates a try.

Pilates is a structured and disciplined form of exercise – it’s not an aggressive workout! It’s always tailored to the individual. And because it is tailored and adaptable, it is challenging for everyone - exercises can be set and adapted to be at the right level for everyone.

To feel more flexible and in control of your own body, give one of our classes a try!

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